Last month, my friend and fellow Carleton-grad Teddy Wolff joined a tour of mine with the intent of documenting the experience photographically. Teddy works as a professional photographer and he recently published the resulting photo series–Lower East Side Tour with Ray–on his website. You can view the full suite of photos as well as a number of other excellent albums on Teddy’s Website. Below are my favorites, with my captions added.

The tour begins

Preparing to enter the sanctuary

Passionate words being delivered in front of the walnut ark

Describing the 21st century addition to the synagogue–the new stained glass window

The synagogue interior has been masterfully restored

The illuminated rose window


Looking up for a hidden sign of immigrants past

Ginger Ale! Note one of NYC’s rare L-shaped buildings

Hot bialys, straight from the oven!

These guys RUN the pickle shop…you can’t sneak anything by them!

Willy Wonka-style candy shop, anyone?

What a great tour! Thank you Teddy Wolff for the photos.
Filed under Neighborhoods, New York, Photography, Religious Spaces, Tours
Tagged as food, Lower East Side, manhattan, New York, photography, ray, Ray's Tours, teddy wolff, tour
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